Pine Creek in Indiana
verbiage below was supplied by Indiana DNR's Canoe Guide. The information
was last updated at least 16 years ago. Put-in points have disappeared
and new ones have formed.
is very important that you submit any trip reports that you have
and include what the put-in and take out points look like. With
your help we can build a new and improved Indiana Canoe Guide. We
will revise the information below as new information presents itself.
you have a favorite river, chances are that you know it best. You
can adopt a river for this site, then write about it and describe
the put-in points. You will get full credit and you will be doing
ALL Hoosiers a big favor.
Big Pine Creek combines
natural beauty with a challenge for the canoeist. Like many small
streams, Big Pine Creek's water level fluctuates quickly, and usually
in April and May the meltwater and spring rains rush to the creek
and quickly turn it into a series of whitewater rapids. However,
during dry periods and much of the summer, canoeists should avoid
Big Pine Creek due to insufficient water levels.
One stretch named Rocky Ford is a series of rock ledges just downstream
from Rainsville. During periods of high water this stretch provides
some of the finest whitewater canoeing in Indiana. The water rapidly
slides over the creek's solid rock bottom for a distance of approximately
1/2 mile. Expert kayakers and canoeists are tested by the chutes
and standing waves (some as high as 3 feet) during high flow. In
addition to the excitement of high-water canoeing on Big Pine Creek,
the contrasts in beauty are exciting for any canoeist. The creek
cuts through heavily wooded terrain, meandering floodplains, and
sandstone ledges which form miniature canyons. The water quality
of Big Pine Creek is quite good, and the stream is generally clear,
except following a heavy rain. The creek bottom is typical of once-glaciated
areas, comprised mainly of gravel, scattered boulders and rock ledges.
The canoeist can observe scattered white pines and red cedars growing
out of the sandstone outcroppings. Hardwoods in the Big Pine valley
include oak, hickory, maple and cherry, and flowering dogwoods and
redbuds decorating the creek's corridor. Ferns, mosses and various
wildflowers provide a unique groundcover along much of the creek.
Deer, squirrels, raccoons, opossum and other mammals, along with
great horned owls, barred owls, screech owls, red-tailed and red
shouldered hawks, kingfishers and several other birds may be seen
by the river traveler in the Big Pine valley. Nature interpretation
is a popular pastime for canoeists on this creek.
Big Pine Creek extends approximately 51 miles from its source in
White County to its confluence with the Wabash River at Attica.
It is located approximately 20 miles west of Lafayette. The stretch
with the most reliable water level for canoeing extends from the
Rainsville Bridge to the Wabash River.
Bridge to Twin Bridges
From the Rainsville Bridge
to the Twin Bridges area is approximately 7 1/2 miles in length
and requires about 2 1/2 to 4 hours of canoeing. This area is the
most scenic and challenging section of Big Pine Creek with steep
banks and sandstone canyons tending to funnel the creek rapidly
through the valley.
It is in this area that the
Rocky Ford ledge series begins. Just below the ledges the stream
divides to bypass an island, then drops sharply as it makes a tight
"S" turn. At times of high flow, a hydraulic (a dangerous
stretch of upturning water) can form on the right side of the drop.
This particular stretch of sharp right angle turns, narrow passageways,
rock ledges and hidden boulders should not be taken lightly by canoeist.
Inexperienced paddlers should avoid this area during periods of
relatively high water. Below the "S" turn the stream
continues to move rapidly but is not as difficult for the canoeists.
The Fall Creek Gorge Nature Preserve, located in the Twin Bridges
area, is an interesting natural area along Big Pine Creek. Fall
Creek is a tributary of Big Pine Creek and runs through a spectacular
gorge area over a series of cascades and potholes. While not appropriate
for canoeing, is an interesting area to visit.
We found that: The put-in
site for this segment is at the Rainsville Bridge, where parking
is available for several vehicles along Co. Rd. 025 E (a.k.a.
N. Rainsville Rd.). The best access is downstream of the bridge
and on the left bank. From the Rainsville bridge proceed south
on Co. Rd. 025 E (a.k.a. N. Rainsville Rd., then Main St.) through
Rainsville. (The road turns into Co. Rd. 75 E just before it stops
at Co. Rd. 550 N.) Turn left (east) onto Co. Rd. 500 N, then quickly
right (south) onto Co. Rd. 100 E and continue to the take-out
site at Twin Bridges. [Note: According to maps, the bridge is
at the convergence of Co. Rd. 200 N and Co. Rd. 100 E to the east,
and of Co. Rd. 200 N Co. Rd. 025 E to the west. However, the signs
at the intersection of roads at the southwest end of the bridge
stated "Twin Bridges Rd." and "Pot Holes Rd.".
Access at Twin Bridges is upstream of the bridge on the left bank.
Vehicles should be parked off the road and along the bridge ramps.
A parking area adjacent to the Fall Creek Nature Preserve can also
be used for parking shuttle vehicles.
(FYI, just to the west of
the bridge over Big Pine Creek, on Twin Bridges Rd./Co. Rd. 025
E is a bridge over another creek. This other creek is Fall Creek
Photos of the Rainsville Bridge access point:

to the south on the bridge, at the access point that is downstream
, river left. |

The river
level marking are in red on the bridge support you see in this
picture. |
Photos of the Twin Bridges access point:

You can
barely see them taking out downstream of the bridge, river right. |

At the
corner of Twin Bridges Rd. and Pot Holes Rd, looking at the
access point. |
Bridges to Quabache Park (Attica Area)
This section of the Big Pine Creek is approximately 7 miles in
length and requires from 2 1/2 to 4 hours to float downstream of
the Twin Bridges area, the creek's character changes. The valley
forms a broad floodplain with high walls set back a distance from
the stream. After the broad floodplain, Big Pine Creek passes through
another steep - walled gorge for approximately three miles before
it flows into the Wabash River. Canoeists must cross the Wabash
River since the take-out point is on the south side of the Wabash
at Quabache Park. This park is located about 2/3 of a mile (approximately
15 minutes) downstream of the confluence of the Wabash River and
Big Pine Creek, on the left bank.
CONSTRUCTION UPDATE - December 2014 - The SR 55 bridge over Big Pine Creek near the town of Attica, Indiana has been replaced. Construction is complete. There should no longer be any obstructions from the bridge work at this site.
The put-in is at Twin Bridges, as previously described, and to
shuttle vehicles continue south from the bridge on Twin Bridges
Rd./Co. Rd. 025 E until you dead-end into U.S. 41. Turn left (south)
and take U.S. 41 across the bridge over the Wabash River into Attica.
Make the first right onto Market Street (past the VFW Hall), then
turn right onto Canal Street, and dog-leg left, then right to the
access site on the Wabash River in Quabache Park. Parking and picnicking
are available in the park.
Emergency service is located in Lafayette, Williamsport, and Attica.